Accessibility for all Deaf visitors
The Museum of Saving stands out as one of the first Italian institutions to embark on a path of accessibility and inclusion, in line with the European Accessibility Act, the Charter of Human Rights, and the goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Thanks to the collaboration with E-Cute, the museum offers content translated from spoken language to Italian Sign Language (LIS), with a cultural mediation approach.

This means making the content accessible to Deaf individuals, maintaining its original meaning while adapting it to their linguistic and cultural needs. The museum experience thus becomes independent and accessible, a crucial step toward full cultural inclusion. With the support of certified native professionals, we have helped make the Museum of Saving a place where communication breaks down barriers, enriching the visit for everyone.
Accessibility for all Deaf visitors

The Museum of Saving stands out as one of the first Italian institutions to embark on a path of accessibility and inclusion, in line with the European Accessibility Act, the Charter of Human Rights, and the goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Thanks to the collaboration with E-Cute, the museum offers content translated from spoken language to Italian Sign Language (LIS), with a cultural mediation approach.

This means making the content accessible to Deaf individuals, maintaining its original meaning while adapting it to their linguistic and cultural needs. The museum experience thus becomes independent and accessible, a crucial step toward full cultural inclusion. With the support of certified native professionals, we have helped make the Museum of Saving a place where communication breaks down barriers, enriching the visit for everyone.
These stories are not only success testimonies but also an invitation to see how technology and innovation can make a difference in the workplace and everyday life.

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